Holland: A huge survey has shown that a glass of orange juice regularly reduces the risk of fluid to 25%. This study was done on thousand...

Consuming Orange Juice Daily May Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

Holland: A huge survey has shown that a glass of orange juice regularly reduces the risk of fluid to 25%.

This study was done on thousands of people who continued for more than ten years. But due to the gratitude of thanksgiving in western countries, the juice of orange juice is not given to them.

In the Netherlands, the National Institute of Health and Environmental, surveyed 35,000 people over 15 years, including those from 20 to 70 years under the European Cancer and Nutrition Program. The purpose of this survey was to find out about the diet, health, or any of the diseases related to it.
However, research also showed that not only the risk of oral gravity, but other juice fresh fruit juice also contributes to preventing it. The result of the report published in the British Journal of Nutrition is that if the oral juice is grown 8 times a week, the risk of stroke reduces by 25 percent, while drinking one juice, one day drops the risk of fluid by 20 percent. Is.

The good thing is that the orange juice also removes the risk of heart disease, and it can reduce the risk of heart disease affecting 12 to 13 percent. Its juice contains all the important chemicals and flawed vinoids, which reduce the risk of bleeding and thus decreases the risk of stroke or stroke.

In most cases of fluid, blood vessels are stuck in the veins of the brain rotating with the body and thus affect the blood supply of the brain, which causes immediate death or survivors suffer from some disability.

Therefore, experts have said that those who do not want to be thankful are not taken away from drinking orange juice because they have immense benefits.