The Fuji Film has announced a new medium format camera. This camera named GFX100 has 102 megapixel censors, built-in image stabilization,...

Fuji film GFX 100 is a $10,000 medium format camera with 102 MP sensor 102

Image result for Fujifilm GFX100 is a $10,000 medium format camera with 102MP sensor 102

The Fuji Film has announced a new medium format camera. This camera named GFX100 has 102 megapixel censors, built-in image stabilization, phase detection auto focus and 4K video recording.
This camera is between 102MP 55mm Medium Format Censor, Standard 35mm Full Frame Censor and Large format format. These censors are usually used in highly professional applications.
These cameras are used in photography, which require large printing, such as on billboards, required. It has a Fuji film X-Processor 4 processor with a 102 megapixel censor.
This camera can output 16-bit RAW files output for high-dynamic range. The built-in 5x image is built in GFX 100.
GFX 100 is the first medium format camera, with 3.76 million phase detection pixels and approximately 100 coverage, including Focus Detection Auto Focus.

This camera has included 4K video recording for the first time 30fps. This camera can provide compressed 10-bit 4: 2: 2 footage on HDMI via an external record.
This camera body is made of magnesium filling. It is designed to fight hard weather. Fuji Film GFX 100 is $ 9999.95. The sale of this camera will start from June 30.