Homopathy, also referred to as 'cure breeding', is such a treatment based on the principle that the body itself can cure its illness...

Homopathy treatement

Homopathy, also referred to as 'cure breeding', is such a treatment based on the principle that the body itself can cure its illness itself. It is used to treat acne in a very small quantity of medicinal prescriptions, in which most people use the same disease in which they are prescribed for treatment, so that it is referred to as 'treatment model'. Is.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic treatment based on the definition of free diabetes that healing the patient to the patient. The name of Homopathy's inventor is Dr. Hymnen, who began to study medical in Lopez Austria. Then he went to "Vienna" and went to Arlangan where he became a medical doctor in 1779 and started practicing in Dresden. Eleven years after becoming a Elopathic doctor, he discovered homeopathic treatment. In the first time in 1979 he studied the world with his homeopathy philosophy through articles in medical journals.

Dr. Hanuman understood the nature of human physics in a deep way and observed the amazing way of his powers that even today it is not believed that God Almighty has given such great and latent powers to the human body but observes that human beings Believe it Dr. Hymnain, using this physical system defense, presented the idea that if there is any disease in the human body which has been ignored by the body, it does not work, if any The poison whose symptom associated with this disease is admitted into the body, but it has been affected by lightening it, the body will react against the very weak external attack, with the same reaction the internal illness is also fine. Will be closely related to the signs of poison.

In homeopathic medicines, very few amounts of trees and natural minerals are used, according to homemayer, the substance improves the recovery of health. This treatment introduced in the last few years of the century has been treated in the following years. The value was popular that many people in different European countries benefited from it. It was then introduced and popular in other parts of the world.

At present, 20 million people in the world treat themselves as homeopathy. This means the homeopathy is the third major method in the world on which people trust. These are those who do not use any other method of treatment. These include the National Health System of Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, Pakistan and Switzerland. If seen by virtue, India is the largest country in the world, where more and more people treat homophysical doctors, they make up to 10 million. However, if reviewed by India, the position of India is not the first. Here, Golkata Homeopathic doctors are registered in the official record. They are adding 12,000 doctors every year.

About ten million people in Europe use homophysical medicines in their fasting life. This number is 29% of the total European population. It is believed that in 40 countries of Europe's 42 countries, homeopathic treatment is used. If only 10% of the population talk about Britain, hepatitis treats approximately 60 million. Every year, the homeopathic drug market is increasing by 20 percent. At present, there are 400 homeopathic doctors in the United Kingdom who are regular registered, while the number of non qualified household homogenous people is more than 1.5,000.