VITAMIN AND SKIN CARE PRODUCTS VITAMIN A It is also known as  Retinol . A large quantity of Vitamin A is found in kaad fish and flat fish....



It is also known as Retinol. A large quantity of Vitamin A is found in kaad fish and flat fish. It is very useful to keep the upper layer of skin Keep calm and healthy.
Vitamins A is also very useful for our eyesight.

It is found in large quantities in vegetable oil (corn oil, ava cado oil, sunflower) green vegetables (beads and big beans, peasants, cabbage leaves) etc. It can also we can get from eggs, mortars and butter.
Essential Fatty Acids It is inevitable for your skin and it can be obtained through nutrients as also (Essential Fatty E, F, A Acid).
Vegetable oil (soy 'peanuts and olive oil), it becomes adjacent to the other vitamin' A'and D ', and becomes part of the body and plays an important role in the formation of skin cells.
Asbestos fatty acids (healthy trends) are very important in providing healthy and natural outlook to the dry skin.
Home Appliances for dry skin
Home-made items are very effective for dry skin because they are easily prepared and the ingredients are used. They are easily available in preparing them. Their products are much better than they have.

You can use them. You will soon feel the obvious difference. Short prescriptions are being given below.

Cut the carrot off or shave it. Add a number of eggs of egg and a tea cottage cheese. Add a few drops of vitamins A and E and then apply on the face face dust and toner after 20 minutes. Apply

The face of the face will be soft vitamins and refreshments.

Take three tablespoons of kemo oil T and 1 teaspoon sage (one type of Italian herb mixing for perfume) in the boiling water and boiling it in water. This includes some drops of vitamins A and E and then cool it. Let's go. Before applying, apply the microscope on the face.
Then keep the mask hanging for 20 minutes. Clean the face with toner help.

You will notice that the face is fresh.

Take a tea-shaped alley seeds and add a glass of water to it and cook until it's thick. After cooling, apply the first moisturizer on the face. Then apply this thick mixture as a mask face for 20 minutes. Let's keep it clean then help with toner.

This makes the skin dry 'transparent' smooth and bright. You will need to help someone in order to apply this mask. So you can prepare your help before making a mask.

Half EVA's dive cats, 'Tea tea' fresh cream and 2 teaspoon china clay (clay) mix them well and apply them on a clean skin and keep for 10 minutes.
After drying the face with cold milk then drain face and tip with water. It will dry your dry skin completely moisturized and the process of moisture will be in the skin as soon as possible and soon as well. Will be

Try to dry your dry skin from cold dry weather to the women's household products. Products available in the market are not empty from the implicit effects of chemicals. Save your skin and adopt domestic conjunction prescriptions and lower cost-effective Providing the charming syllabus to your skin, giving the truth to the person and the truth.