"Haleem" full of Asia and Middle Eastern dishes of protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is actually the centuries old popul...

Haleem nutrition dish

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"Haleem" full of Asia and Middle Eastern dishes of protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is actually the centuries old popular dish, called it in Hesse Orissa and other languages ​​in Arabic and also known as William. When it comes to Arabic dish Hesse Orissa, complete information is not available but it is determined that this dish is invented by Muslims.
Nearly some historians, it was in the 10th century. An Arabic author Abu Dawood al-Hafeez, a book containing popular techniques of this era, consisted of all the dishes including Hrishna, the young king of Baghdad, Khalifa and Abbaan were very fond of very young days.
This book is one of Arabic's earliest books, based on cooking techniques. In addition to the Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and India also have a hymn in Bangladesh, but people from every region make it in their own style.

In the form of haleem ingredients, goat orange coconut, wheat, junk, rice, pulses and lions are used, and all these ingredients are scratched after adjusting light at least 6 to 7 hours. That's why it is equipped with a lace and it's like a mixture.
Contrary to other countries, the use of spices used in hammers made in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India is insulated. In Arab countries, Haleem is called as a hormess, and it cooked goat, cow, and camel, wheat, rice, all sourcing pulse garlic is cooked with black pepper and salt.
After cooking the hose, it is used by yogurtone oil, black pepper, and fried brown onion as a grey, churn, wheat, powder, and curd. Above this estimation, melt butter, sesame and thanksgiving are done.
Kashmir synthesis is different from these. After making it with mint yafeef, wheat, pulses, salt, black pepper, and mixture with hot spices, it greases with chopped sauces and small cubes, and it covers surfaces with different curds.
People in Bengal reduce the use of beef, so they train more and make henna from meat. However, to make the haleem, garlic ginger paste in the red meat, salt, turmeric and crushed hot spices goes to Meridian for the night, then it is scattered after finishing the wheat.
Topping of "Bengali Haleem" is used by fabrics, fried onions, lime pieces, strawed cashews and almonds. Arabic soldiers introduced in the Army of Hessah Hyderabad (United India) system are introduced. Over time, the people there started making it hail.
Even today, in Hyderabad, especially in the sacred months of Muharram and Ramadan, Haleem and Hessah are made in almost every house and also parcel in other parts of the country. Hyderabad is still quoted on the hail of wooden hammers.