Los Angeles: The famous version of John Sina's entry was confirmed in the ninth edition of the famous Hollywood movie series 'Fast a...

John Cena Joins The Cast of 'Fast & Furious 9'

Los Angeles: The famous version of John Sina's entry was confirmed in the ninth edition of the famous Hollywood movie series 'Fast and Furious'.

In the ninth edition of the action-packed film series 'Fast and Furious', WWE's most popular racer John Sena will showcasing the essence of acting.

42-year-old John Sinaa confirmed on twitter, "For the past 20 years, the fast-franchise has exerted its fans, this franchise has provided opportunities to entertain in the history of films and scenes, while sharing this franchise and family with me. It's a great honor.

John Sinaa said in a brief interview a few days ago, "I am curious about the vehicles and this franchise has also increased the interest of cars, they wanted to make it truly global on the globe. Presents I am among people who are more and better than me, such as learning them will be a wonderful experience.

Earlier, Vin Diesel, who played the main role in the film, indicated his reference to Entry in Jan Sena's film a few months ago, in which he said that he was sending a soldier fighting for truth. Are there

It is clear that the V-race will perform producer duties with Vin Diesel acting in the film 'Fast and Furious 9' under the film banner. The film shooting will be started at the end of the month of the month when the movie will be celebrated in May 2020.