New York: Famous Pakistani actor, Mawra Hocane, is playing a video with social actor Rashi Kapoor on social media. Rishi Kapoor, an actor...

Pakistani actor Mawra Hocane meets Rishi Kapoor in New York

New York: Famous Pakistani actor, Mawra Hocane, is playing a video with social actor Rashi Kapoor on social media.

Rishi Kapoor, an actor of Indian films in New York, has been diagnosed with cancer for the past 8 months. During this period, many Bollywood personalities have met with him, however, for the first time from the film industry, Modura Hussain has met Rishi Kapoor in New York.

Rishi Kapoor sharing a picture with Maora on her Twitter account, wrote that Pakistan's most popular actor, Mauraora Hussain, along with her friend. Nice to meet them.

It is clear that Maura Hussein has expressed interest in Ranchi Kapoor's son Ranbir Kapoor in the past and has not only been Mahora but Ranbir Kapoor has also fallen on Mahora as well as her husband in both Indian relations.